7/5/96 Welcome to the first little collection of Looney Tunes icons for Windows 3.*. At present only five exist: Bugs Bunny, a groggy looking Daffy Duck, Foghorn Leghorn, Sam Sheepdog, and Sylvester. They take a while to make, but more will be made in the future. I don't want anything for them - perhaps just Email me if you think they're good and you used them: hardie@lisa.ls.rmit.edu.au Which leads me to how to use them. In case you don't know how to get them on your Windows desktop, here's what you do: 1. Unzip the file 'LOONEY.ZIP' (which you've already done if you're reading this, you ultramaroon). 2. Put the file 'LOONEY.DLL' anywhere you damn well feel like on your hard drive. 3. Go to your Windows Program Manager, and click once on the program you want to change the icon for. 4. Go to the 'File' menu, and select 'Properties...'. 5. From the 'Program Item Properties' dialog box, select 'Change Icon' (ah... now it all becomes clear). 6. Type in the location of 'LOONEY.DLL' with its full path, or use the 'Browse' button if you can't be stuffed typing. 7. That done, click on 'OK' and you got all the icons to pick from. Click on one, then just keep clicking on 'OK' where you see fit, and hey, it changes to a Looney icon. Do they work for WIndows 95? I dunno. I'm a bit ignorant of Windows 95, so I just dunno. Someone care to fill me in? Anyway, enjoy, and spread this around wherever you want, I don't care, just make sure you spread it as the Zip file with this text file included, or I'll be after ya with the Space Modulator...